Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
Lol you mean slavery? BLACKS WERE FIRST HELD AS SLAVES BY ANOTHER FRIGGIN BLACK MAN, YOU ILLITERATE APE! Get a dang Brain & then get an effin education before you run your troll mouth & make a complete dumba$$ of yourself!
And I’m sure Obama is still supporting their destructive behavior because they’re black
As long as they keep getting bused in and keep getting paid to riot.
Set up a few of these bad boys around Ferguson.
LMFAO……good one
PHOTO SET UP WATCH WAG THE DOG. WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZI? All this amongst the most of all and it worked. Everything is planned and scheduled
As long as PC understanding is in vogue
Sick of hearing about this. Reporters report something else.
As long as the race baiters can keep it going