Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
All the people of Ferguson, Missouri are doing, is cutting their own throats, increasing their insurance rates/deductibles and making it impossible for their children/grandchildren or greats to live in a peaceful restful and quiet place when they are grown. Think about it people, another house fire, car burned or building vandalized is that much harder for employment with less jobs or less population. Knowledge is not forefront in revenge.
No telling
Domestic terrorism and hate crimes you mean?
Its payback to what the white folks did in the past and present. You white folks forgotten history Payback can be a bitch
Ger it right ,he did not have his hands up and shot,get your facts right!
Until the race baiters die
They don’t want fair treatment. They want special treatment.