Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
No good will. Everyone should have boarded up.
Sad all this had to start from the beginning. Keep stirring up the pot. Just give them a reason to get started for looting and destruction of people’s livelihoods. They started early XMAS shopping.
So true:
A Ferguson Christmas Carol…..
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
On the first day of looting, my baby daddy stole for me
A Mitsubishi color T.V.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
On the second day of looting my baby daddy stole for me
Two pair of sneakers and a Mitsubishi color T.V.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
On the third day of looting my baby daddy stole for me
Three Lazy Boy recliners, two pair of sneakers and a Mitsubishi color T.V.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
On the fourth day of looting my baby daddy stole for me
Four NFL jackets, three Lazy Boy recliners, two pair of sneakers and a Mitsubishi color T.V.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
On the fifth day of looting my baby daddy stole for me
……Five gold neck chains,…..
Four NFL jackets, three Lazy Boy recliners, two pair of sneakers and a Mitsubishi color T.V.
Warn all innocents to get out of ferguson, then send in the national guard with guns blazing and kill all the troublemakers and just hope that Al Sharpton is there at the time.
we are a country turning against itself. what a pity.
Don’t these people ever work
Poor uneducated people with a narrow view. hmmmm…Most of what you stated interesting , how to insight a riot with skill is not of poor uneducated or of narrow view, but methods developed through education, training, and prosperity. Public individuals connected with community members is not difficult, in fact some of them have been sitting in meetings together for decades.. competitively developing methods to disrupt a nations of laws ,a community of citizens working for provisions to sustain a happy healthy dedicated to home health and livelihood.
Rioters//looters should have all been shot on sight. Just drop the first drove of them with riot shotguns//machine guns//etc and the rest of them would run like a herd of scared Black Panthers that they truly are. Wish the shop owners could have been inside of their businesses with shotguns, rifles, and machine guns to drop them as they came through the broken doors and windows.
Things that don’t fight back
Michael Brown was a thug and just robbed a store prior to the shooting. So much we (the public) don’t know about that shooting. Seems the mobs can’t accept the ruling of the grand jury and are showing their mentality.
Business owners should have provided personal security for their stores. Has I owned one looters would have been met with a shotgun full of buckshot