Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
And where was the National Guard?
Yo Dan…..Repeating lies just makes you a liar! You and all bible believers are the real problem, and your “sky bully” is as real as your intelligence.
Maybe its time for the Police to start shooting, this is getting out of hand !!!
Job I ain’t got you, these people are worse then animals. At least a wild animal knows not to destroy things that benefit them. Cut their welfare and food stamps till they stop , I bet they all go home quick
And the police allowed this to go on,on,on,on and on?
They must be afraid they would be called Racists,I think the blacks are being racists.
Parents……You raise a thug….a grave will be dug!
tess says:
“What in the world were these ppl thinking. They have to live in the mess they have made. I just wonder if they even stopped to think that the only one they were hurting is themselves. They did nothing to change anything just hurt their own town. I say no government aid to these places where ppl made the mess. Make them clean it up on their own dime.”
What in the world were these ppl thinking. They have to live in the mess they have made. I just wonder if they even stopped to think that the only one they were hurting is themselves. They did nothing to change anything just hurt their own town. I say no government aid to these places where ppl made the mess. Make them clean it up on their own dime.
This is not about racism. It’s about a bunch of people seeing a chance to get a bunch of stuff for free! Sick! They should be ashamed