Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
All these racist blacks and not a brain between them lawbreakers that aren’t any better than the terrorists Obama lets cross our borders
Way to keep it classy Ronald. Leave any racial prejudice out of this, don’t you think it’s racially fueled enough as it is already?
This will happen until someone turns an automatic weapon on them who they have hurt, and then they will start their Eternal Pissing and Moaning about Discrimination and they will Lock Arms and Carry Stupid Signs and further cheapen what Martin Luther King gave his Life to bring them out of. They will make the real Racists that say they are Stupid and not Human look like they might be right. Sad, Pathetic, and very much Contrary to True Equality. Why don’t you all just Stop It. Now.
shoot all of the rioters and looters not the peaceful protestors!!!!!!
Not condoning the riots but I guess there’s nothing wrong with this photo
no these hoodlums need to be taught a lesson dont rob and steal or you will be prosecuted
Js they should’ve indicted wilson; they should’ve known the riots/protests wouldn’t of stopped. One police officer shouldn’t be worth this much controversy.
As long as there killing themself not a problem, cross the road, then there will be.
I agree with you. They should’ve indicted him and let the case go to trial.
As long as they want, becausthey are always give them what they want