Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
U agree
All I will say is that it much more likely to get a lot worse before it gets better folks. Be vigilant but don’t be guilty of judgment because of a person’s color, race, religion etc. Just remember…until you walk a mile in another man’s shoes….
There are several forces at work right now in Ferguson and other cities across our great nation. If your neighbor or best friend or relative is black…think about what you would say to them about the situation in Ferguson.
There are so many poor people in our country…they are uneducated for many reasons and have such a narrow view of the meaning of life…but when you look around the world there are so many impoverished people who are much worse off than the poor in our country.
I could go on…but my point is…it is up to each and everyone of us to look into our hearts and seek to understand…but at the same token…be vigilant!
that sheriffs need to stop using tear gas and rubber bullets and load up with live ammo and go in there take that city back stop being a $#%&!@* and being politically correct and take control ……
Why are they ghettos in amerkkk anyway
Who is feeding these people?
Are the guardsmen weapons broken??
I have never understood how a group of people can stop a 3500 pound vehicle. Just can’t see it happening……
Dwight, you have “the right idea”!
Water cannons stop food and mail. Turn off water.
Del, this is not the presidents job. That’s part of the problem, the president has lowered himself to the level of the sheriff and the deputies of that county. The president should have a lot of other higher priority decisions to make, but he’s done this to himself too. The police have the authority to stop it, and the tools to get it done. But, now, it’s gotten such media action that nobody can do anything because of the pussification of the US.