Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
arrest all of them
Where is the National Guards, all these idiots who did the damaged should be in prison and they should pay for the damages and all the product they took! they broke the law!!
If you attack a cop in his own car, you’re going to get shot…it’s not rocket science. These rioters are morons.
My excerpt from my NOTE is from August; there is no doubt more professional gangsters have joined in to encourage the existing gangs to riot and loot and that some of the rioters and looters may be BUSED in and are not even from Ferguson, MO.
As long as crooks are allowed to act
It’s time to start treating criminals they way they should be. As criminals. Just because a person is black and does something wrong against some one or someones property doesn’t give them a free pass to get buy with it.
It will never end…Jesse and Al are on their way to MO…that should make everything all better!
Ferguson is Done the aborigines have Done their Deed to destroy the town. Who would want to drive through or live there
I guess ObamA$$ speech did NO good for these Animals, oh I forgot about his pen and cellphone, no calls made, there was more freaking coverage on these savages than our people being BEHEADED. I do not know why they are treTed to entitlement, I expected exactly what happened last night, I come fro Philly and have been dealing with this SH.. It seems like forever….
We need to open fire on them and then watch how fast they all run away. they know they won’t be hurt with toy ammo …use their guns with hollow points…will only take maybe on shot. Attention getters and they have an audiance of course. Are there any trees around …how many of them have killed people,or pets …