Mr. Soros clearly doesn’t care who he needs to fund in order to further his globalist goals. And some politicians apparently don’t care from whom they receive campaign contributions. This is one reasons for the high level of disgust that is felt toward our representatives in general. It might not be entirely fair, but it is a fact of life.
The contributions and political moves of some some folks are very interesting to follow. It is also instructive to see from whom politicians are willing to accept money. That this is an issue is evidenced by the occasional return of campaign contributions by politicians who have been shown to receive funds from sources that create unhelpful controversy and criticism.
We just received some insight into the campaign contributions of notorious globalist George Sorors, and some politicians should be running for cover. More on page two.
Former$#%&!@*and the current Marxist globalist hell-bent on a one world government with no borders but also no liberty and no freedom George Satan Soros he is in end times Puppet Master
You are right. The government has been allowed to make too many decisions for America. We are not only ruled by our government but by world organizations.
Would Cornyn be one of them? LOL
Put all the assholes like this one in jail or 6feet under
Nobody on this list surprises me. They need to be voted out of office
A who’s who list of traitorous bastards.
I get all of the Republicans on this list but Marco Rubio??? Wow that changes things. I’m glad he didn’t have a good showing at the primary.
List of fourteen rinos needed to be voted outin the next primary. They sold their souls
Why is he not in prison for German war crimes. SS soldier right there.
Very Unamerican, Sorros is the puppet master.