Mr. Soros clearly doesn’t care who he needs to fund in order to further his globalist goals. And some politicians apparently don’t care from whom they receive campaign contributions. This is one reasons for the high level of disgust that is felt toward our representatives in general. It might not be entirely fair, but it is a fact of life.
The contributions and political moves of some some folks are very interesting to follow. It is also instructive to see from whom politicians are willing to accept money. That this is an issue is evidenced by the occasional return of campaign contributions by politicians who have been shown to receive funds from sources that create unhelpful controversy and criticism.
We just received some insight into the campaign contributions of notorious globalist George Sorors, and some politicians should be running for cover. More on page two.
Thanks; Let all hear your voice
All of them should be voted out. I am really surprised that Johnson from Wisconsin took his dirty money
12 disciples and one betrayed and one denied. Reverse it . I would hope for the sake of America that one of them is a patriot on a mission . All is not lost and we are not defeated. While America can cleanse the land of pretty much anything a treasonous politician is a start.
They sold there soul to the devil! Guess what he is going to come one day and he’s going to colect on that debt!
Seems like a small amount. ..perhaps he did pay more..any ties to the Panama papers…that story stop quick. So much more going on than any mass populist would ever know.
This man should be ran out of our country and ban from ever coming back!!!
Soros pay Clinton for Suicides and accidents .
Old news