Mr. Soros clearly doesn’t care who he needs to fund in order to further his globalist goals. And some politicians apparently don’t care from whom they receive campaign contributions. This is one reasons for the high level of disgust that is felt toward our representatives in general. It might not be entirely fair, but it is a fact of life.
The contributions and political moves of some some folks are very interesting to follow. It is also instructive to see from whom politicians are willing to accept money. That this is an issue is evidenced by the occasional return of campaign contributions by politicians who have been shown to receive funds from sources that create unhelpful controversy and criticism.
We just received some insight into the campaign contributions of notorious globalist George Sorors, and some politicians should be running for cover. More on page two.
Campaign contribution’s, the way it read it was hush money or money to support Hillary.i do not like or trust any of the men and women he gave money to..Wasn’t much money at all compared to his little pets Bill,Hillary,and Obama..Still I would have sent the money back to the murdering scum and tell him to use it for toilet paper.
This the big rat. If to get read of how sun is possible and the rest of them one by one.
George Soros have to go back to Rasia and Putin will have fun with him, and the rest of the group tern tricks for fun.
I’m disgusted with the Republicans that stopped so low and accepted money from Soros. Soros is an enemy to the United States and is part of the group trying to take down our President. I hope President Trump takes note of these names.
Thank you Truth And Action, for Sharing this!
They are All Traitors, along with their Criminal Liberal Friends and they All must receive the Punishment that Our Founding Fathers prescribed for Traitors.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) – $10,800
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – $3,500—- it would explain a lot
keep voting them in , you fools,7340,L-4299673,00.html
in a December meeting at Trump Tower, Kushner met with Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S. and “discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin.”
Idiots , if true.
Notice that list is the missing balance of power. Because they are paid by Soros he controls their vote. Eliminate Soros and the Republicans win by majority