Obama´s annual importation of 100,000 Syrian Muslim refugees begins this year and the administration has compiled a list of 190 cities selected for their resettlement.
The State dept. claims that they will only accept Syrians that are ‘persecuted by the government’ and has promised a sharp review process to make sure that no jihadists are mixed in with these refugees. Of course, one would expect that Islamic militants will find this ‘verification process’ as easily trespassed as our southern border.
One leading expert states that there is no way the communities on this list will be assured that they won’t find terrorists living among them.
If you want to keep up to date on refugees coming to a city near you, read: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/
There is a reason for certain placement. Keep eyes and ears opened.
Call me Islamophobic if you will but 100,000 is an army of would be terrorists
OMG we are being invaded by proxy
Congress try for treason now before you all use job
hell no more the ones here need to leave
Push push push DOES NOT WORK! He Walking on very thin ice….thinner then he believes
Yeah, and we have to support them. Let him support them out of his own bank account. Can’t wait until he leaves.
190 new places for target practice. Bacon Akkkbar
well Obama you better supply a bunch of body bags to each one of those$#%&!@*cuz I can tell you American people are going to put up with these motherfuckers getting in our face and trying to take away our way of life so there’s going to be a lot of dead Muslims hopefully you be one of them