Obama´s annual importation of 100,000 Syrian Muslim refugees begins this year and the administration has compiled a list of 190 cities selected for their resettlement.
The State dept. claims that they will only accept Syrians that are ‘persecuted by the government’ and has promised a sharp review process to make sure that no jihadists are mixed in with these refugees. Of course, one would expect that Islamic militants will find this ‘verification process’ as easily trespassed as our southern border.
One leading expert states that there is no way the communities on this list will be assured that they won’t find terrorists living among them.
Our congress man have lost their minds. Who is the administration. You do no if they try what they are doing over Europe we will protect our own. One way or another. Obama wants them here so he can control America. Over our dead bodies. He has an evil agenda and it needs to be stopped at all cost.
Democrats and anyone who doesn’t stand up to them are the same we fought against for our independence away from that kind of life. Are Eurocrats
where ever he lives,and hillary
I know where he should be placed
Well, america considers him a hero. Not much you can do.
From Within !!! Hello !!!?
(as Expression on the Safety Divine Faith), which is now developing very well in the Arab-Christian and Arab-Islam, first appeared in The Christian community in Syria in the Aramaic language and script when Arabic is still in formation. Excavations, among others prove: “The earliest and best-attested calligraphic manuscripts in the Semitic languages are the ones in Syria. Islam, however, took up the calligraphic tradition and made it its own in a special way.” John F. Healey, The Early Alphabet (University of California Press / British Museum, 1990), p.56 [http://www.ucpress.edu/op.php?isbn=9780520073098]. Since the development of Christianity to the country of Yemen (second century AD), based in Najran (South Arabia), there is difficulty in communication (correspondence, recording) with aids write quite troublesome for the administration of the kingdom of Yemen, for every tribe in the Arabian Peninsula has a writing system different, there are different readings of the various dialects of the content for each tribe, for example, using the letter Sinai Arab tribes Sinaticus (Sinayah), using the letter Nabataean tribe Nebaioth (Nabatiya), Kedar tribe wear Kadiriyah letter. At that time, the Syrians are far more advanced than the Arab. Then, at the beginning of the third century BC (and continued for hundreds of years until the formulation of the Arabic alphabet completed in 668 AD), the Roman Empire at the request of the kingdom of Yemen started the project of creation of letters by relying on the superior ability of the writers of the Syrians who was a Roman protectorate. It is noteworthy, Arabic letters that we see now is the letter that has been enhanced by the Bar Daysan, Christian students from the city of Kufa (now part of the state of Iraq) in the year 668 AD. Letters besides taking Nabatiya letter patterns (60%), also took the pattern of letters Syriac Aramaic (Syriac), the letter Serto (from the tribe of Syria) and Madnakhaya letter (from the tribe of Assyrians). The letters used Aramaic is called the letters Hugaye (Hujjayah / Hijaiyah) with the procedure of grafting, a continued pattern that is not recognized by the ancient Arabic letters. Arabic in the era we now need people who can speak Arabic and Syriac (Aramaic), so that they can feel the traces of the influence of language citizens Syrian Church was on the Arabic language, and aware of the services invaluable to the Arabic language is given by the language of the Church Syria in the glory days of Islam ago … Arabic very much borrowed vocabulary Syriac (Aramaic), therefore, the language is full of words from Syriac. Arab nations also borrowed the figures used by the Indian nation. Arabic calligraphy, the Kufic Script used especially in Islamic calligraphy is derived from the Kufic script commonly used Christians of Syria. Arabic grammar is also heavily influenced by the grammar Syria. Aba al Aswad ad-Du’ali (688 AD), which is regarded as the inventor of the Arabic grammar, go to Kufa, where he studied classical Syriac, and he made contact with scholars Syriac ask for their help in order to create the Arabic grammar , He relies heavily on grammar and the grammarian Syria to follow a plan of organization, classification, rules are the same as used for grammar Syria. More importantly, he borrowed the system of awarding points to distinguish words and letters short previously discovered by scholars Syriac March Ya’qub of Urhoy [http://christianforpeace.blogspot.com/…/sejarah- the Temple …].
“CHRISTIAN ARAB SOCIETY is considered to be a missing link between the Western and Eastern Christian world to the Muslim World. Therefore, through these various Arab Christian community meeting point, an example of tolerance and understanding interrelatedness-evident awakened.”
GLANCE CHRISTIAN-ARAB, http: /…/ //christianforpeace.blogspot.com Glance …]. Christian Arabs have contributed significantly to the development, movement and change in the Arab world [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Christians]. Arabic Christian Websites [http://www.arabicbible.com/…/christian-websites.html]. Guide: Christians in the Middle East (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15239529)
Out Of Print: The Early Alphabet: John F. Healey – University of …
WHERE ARE THE WOMAN & CHILDREN? Is this Obama’s army?