Obama´s annual importation of 100,000 Syrian Muslim refugees begins this year and the administration has compiled a list of 190 cities selected for their resettlement.
The State dept. claims that they will only accept Syrians that are ‘persecuted by the government’ and has promised a sharp review process to make sure that no jihadists are mixed in with these refugees. Of course, one would expect that Islamic militants will find this ‘verification process’ as easily trespassed as our southern border.
One leading expert states that there is no way the communities on this list will be assured that they won’t find terrorists living among them.
Put them all up in norther Wisconsin the cold weather will kill them with the blizzard
Ho do you know it’s 10,000 Muslims? Why wold Muslims leave when it’s Christians being slaughtered? Does it even matter to you?
Put them in the “Sanctuary Cities”.
god bless them all the white house muslim has just deported 190 white american cities,,
Now you know whos coming to get our guns wake uopp
time for people to vote for trump trump says he feels sorry forthem but he also says we dont have the room or jobs for our let alonre more foreignors
Hopefully, most to the refugees will be sent to the city of Atlantis.
Wroth matters like this i think we should vote on it the people of the coutry not the president, Congress noone in the high up of government. Just us the Amarican people who have to live nextdoor to thoes people that will take our jobs get loans we can’t get an take our money an like in this great coutry that they hate an want to see burn why should we give them a good life here when they will only put Amarican down after we help them.
Here is a start of a list I like.. Baltimore,Fergouson,DC, Los Angles and What ever town city or what have you. Obamas Chicagio,Hillarys,Al,Jacksons,Farrahunt,All the sepreme courts judges I can go on. Think i’ll rest.