Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has some advice for President Obama: stop threatening “thugs and dictators” like Russian President Vladimir Putin in the media and take effective action instead of inviting aggression.
Graham spoke with CNN’s Candy Crowley on a panel including Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin. Crowley noted that Graham had been critical of Obama’s brief statement on the Russian invasion of southern Ukraine on Friday. “What more do you want from President Obama at this point?” the CNN host asked.“Well number one, stop going on television and trying to threaten thugs and dictators,” Graham began. “It is not your strong suit. Every time the president goes on national television and threatens Putin — or anyone like Putin — everybody’s eyes roll, including mine. We have a weak and indecisive president that invites aggression.”
The senator went on to suggest Obama could move to suspend Russia’s membership in the G-8 or the G-20 immediately and pursue further penalties if Putin fails to back off.
Source: Daily Caller
Photo: Secretary of Defense on Flickr
“Who is scared of the big bad wolf”? NO ONE. “A Joke With a Mouth and no Brains.
And we have an ineffective, incompetent, pocket – lining Congress that needs cleaning completely out, to get back to grassroots moral values like our forefathers organized. “One Nation Under God”. Congress is overrated, overpaid and out of touch with real America. People like Pelosi, Reid. and Schumer really don’t care about us, or the United States Constitution. Socialist/ Communist converts is what I would compare them to. To hear them boast, reminds me of Khrushchev, when he stood at the podium and said, “We will defeat you and not have to fire a shot!” You can see what their motive really is, to destroy private enterprise, the family as we’ve known it, bankrupt the nation, inject Government control, etc. It’s all in the outline of a Socialistic/Communistic conversion. When our very Vice President states that “We will be part of a new world order”, that should ring a bell, if an individual has an ounce of common sense at all.
Impeachment will be great, if we get it. But it’s slow. In case man fails, pray that God will remove obama soon.
Obama’s eyes are going to roll if he trys to come after the American people,thats for sure
Senator do you want an idiot such as we have going against Putin ?surely not , besides we are headed the same way wide open
and idiots like you to back him up.
Boss Hogg of Connecticut…eyes roll minute…wait for it , wait for it…….nothing…:p…….
he will draw another red line
Obama’s a coward.