Thousands of women have been with Bill Clinton, Linda Tripp shared in an interview with Aaron Klein. The number may sound outrageous to many Americans, but as a White House civil servant, working across from the Oval Office, as well as adjacent to Hillary’s office, Tripp observed the comings and goings, the frantic “clean up” when Hillary was to arrive in Bill’s office area without notice. Describing these times as “scurrying around” and “energy expended covering up his behavior”.
Tripp shared that, “Everyone knew within the West Wing, particularly those who spent years with him, of the thousands of women. This is a pattern of behavior that has gone on for years. And the abuse of women for years.”
Whistle-blowing turned Tripp’s life into a nightmare, but she said that her concern for the safety of Monica Lewenski, as well as her own, caused her to speak out. Today she shares what she knows of the Clintons to educate the American public that Hillary is not eligible for the Presidency.
Tripp told Klein that Hillary “does not possess integrity on any level. I just wish that your listeners could know the person that I knew. Because if they did there is not a chance she would be elected president.”
my God, Killery is evil
OH, Barf….. Cintons disgust me.
Why does anyone give an eff how many sluts Bill or Hil Clinton effed? This report kind of sucks, do us a favor Omar, and write a legit journalistic article instead of these c**p$#%&!@*stories you put out that wouldn’t even be “National Examiner” worthy, please. #EYEROLL :/
Hope he wore condoms ! . Hillary might die of Aids
willie,part of clinton clinton clan gang!!
Anyone else see home girl as a disgruntled wife with an axe to grind?
If this true. What a scum bag.
If I was married to her if probably do the same lol!!
Take your damn wife and be a good cowboy and disappear into the sunset . ..forever.
IF this is true? ??? Are you kidding.? Bill and hillary are whores.