Yesterday, radio giant Rush Limbaugh demonstrated that President Barack Obama did exactly what the New York Times is trying to pin on President Donald Trump.
On his nationally syndicated program, the largest of its kind, the conservative host eviscerated the Times for overlooking Obama’s pressure on the FBI to drop its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server while falsely accusing Donald Trump of trying to get FBI Director James Comey to not charge Michael Flynn with improper contact with Russian representatives.
The entire kerfluffle has come about because the Times article charged Trump with asking Comey to “let it go” in terms of investigating Flynn. The charge was based an alleged memo that Comey wrote after his meeting with the president.
Yet no one in the media has actually seen the memo. It was allegedly read over the phone to the Times reporter by an anonymous source. Journalism 101 teaches that such sourcing is bogus, unethical and lacks credibility.
Find out what Limbaugh thinks of what Obama did in relation to the Clinton investigation and why it dwarfs anything Trump is alleged to have done. It’s all on the next page.
DEMONcrats always accuse others of doing what the DEMONcrats are actually doing
Move to Russia or you can suck it straight out of the Spicket
Dear Trump supporter’s, when you make a bet in Las Vegas, and you lose that bet, they count on you to continue betting to trying to win back your money. More times than not you will continue to lose. The phrase I believe Vegas uses is “Chasing Bad Bets”. That’s the time to cut your losses if you are smart.. You made a bet on Donald Trump to “Make America Great Again” and you lost. And yet you keep defending this loser doubling down hoping he will be a winner. He will not build a “Wall”, he will not “Ban Muslims”, he will not bring jobs back, and he will not “Make America Great Again”. If you are smart, you will cut your losses because not only you lost, America lost. It’s way past time to impeach this corrupt, Russian sympathizing, narcissistic, national embarrassment.
Stay tuned. Justice is coming.
The problem! Says who a brain dead liberal that thought Killary would win!
@ Runion! You,and the rest of the vermin ,lost! WE WON! Can’t accept it,find a tall building to jump off of! Hahahahhaa!
The Democrats have done everything they’ve accused him of.
Obama….black democRAT. Trump…white Republican.
What do you think you won lmfao