Special Counsel Robert Mueller remains something of an unknown quantity. He has amassed an impressive staff of attorneys, many of whom can hardly be considered to be fans of the president. He has also indicated a number of Russians for alleged election tampering. So far, his spokespersons have emphasized that there is no evidence that the president nor his staff engaged in any wrongdoing with Russian interests.
But is Mueller winding down his investigation? Or is it more likely entering a new phase? Are are Rush Limbaugh’s concerns valid?
Limbaugh described Washington-based political and bureaucratic interests as broadly desiring an ousting of Trump from the presidency:
They want Trump gone. They want everybody anything to do with Trump gone. They all do. Everybody at the State Department, everybody in this immediate FBI circle with Rosenstein, Murphy, and McKinnon, the Republican establishment community, Republican consultants, they want Trump gone. Mueller is the guy to do it. Mueller is carrying the water for the entire establishment in getting Trump gone. And they don’t care how they do it. And I think their objective is to ruin him.
Those are very broad statements. And they imply not only that the president is vulnerable, but that his legal staff is unable of mounting a successful defense.
So where does Limbaugh believe Mr. Mueller will attack?
Limbaugh accused Mueller of seeking to “nullify” Trump’s 1995 IRS claim of approximately $900 million in operational losses in order to pursue a reclamation of the money with added penalties and accrued interest:
And these requests, the subpoena for documents from the Trump Organization, I ask you again, what has that to do with the campaign and with collusion and with the Russians? They’ve already been looking into Trump business in Russia with the Miss, what is it, USA, whatever his pageant is.
Do you all remember during the early days of the campaign there was news that Trump, in a tax return something like 20 years ago, took a $900 million deduction that was granted and survived an audit by the IRS? Now, I forget the details. It had to do with losses that he had incurred in that year in building things. It was around 900 or $920 million deduction. I’ll never forget when it was reported because most people will never come close to ever having that in a lifetime, and to have a guy personally write that much off?
Anyway, I think Mueller wants that $920 million back. I think Mueller wants to prove that that was a faulty deduction. I think that they want to go back, they want to get Trump’s tax returns because they want to nullify that $900 million deduction, and then they want to collect 20 years of interest and penalties and wipe Trump out.
This is a far cry from investigating potential irregularities relating to the 2016 presidential election. An investigation led by Mueller that has, so far, turned up a big zero as relates to President Trump and his team.
Turn to the last page:
1000% right on. Mueller needs to go!!!
CSED. That tax was over 20 years ago. CSED is 10 years. Maybe it is different for business, but there is a statute and I’m sure it has passed. If the IRS didn’t collect it and didn’t call it wrong back then then it is too late to cry foul now. They can try to nullify it but it would be dismissed rather quickly. And no grand jury has any jurisdiction over it at all. This story is dead. Trump’s 1995 tax return is a done deal and nobody can do anything about it. They can try a civil tax fraud case but that would require obtaining documents that go back 23 years. Nobody is required legally to retain anything nearly that long and technology was nowhere near the place it should be to have the data now. It is hard enough to prove in the first place, and trying to prove it with no paperwork and a flimsy, questionable, gray area of law is a huge wild goose chase. I highly doubt this is anywhere close to being a reality.
I like Rush, but my guess is that he has paid his taxes on time and has never had to go down a path that would give him this knowledge. He just doesn’t realize it.
MUELLER is not qualified and was disqualified by our US Constitution to even be put in a position of power over our president does not matter what he has it is illegal not valid just check out Mark Levin exact quaotes from the U.S., Constitution it is all not valid and he should be charged with conspiracy to commit treason vs the USA and its people along with the rest of the DEEP STATE
I would only say to Muller there are 25 to 30 million well armed and very loyal dirty hillbillies and deplorables out here that will take it as a direct assuslt on them do the math were can you match the man numbers who will take up the cause
63 million people who voted for Trump will not tolerate Mueller much longer. The fiasco needs to end. The only conspiracy is by FBI,CIA ,DOJ, Obama and HRC.
Trump can declassify the FISA warrants then the complete truth will be exposed. Yet Hillary laundered $84 million dollars in her bid for President as reported by FEC
PLLLEEEAASEEEE, ANYBODY that thinks MULEr will leave without being fired are only fools!! He’s being paid to obstruct & protect!!
I think Mueller needs to be reined IN along with the others Democrats trying to unseat Trump. I am awfully afraid we are headed towards a civil war in the US if the Democrats do not stop attacking Trump. The American people are tired of the Democrats and news media with all the false polls.