Life After The Great Reset – A Shocking Glimpse at the Globalists’ Plans for Us All

More “Voluntary” Gene Injections

The WEF is promoting Moderna’s human trials for an HIV “vaccine” using mRNA technologyBragging that this is the same successful technology used in their “Covid-19 shot.” The WEF posed the question: “What other diseases could mRNA technology prevent?” Soon there could be a “voluntary” gene injection against every ailment, real or imagined.

Artificial Foods From Laboratories

Whenever you can play God, the WEF is on fire. Globalists are celebrating projects that specifically breed genetically modified starfish and corals in laboratories to “stabilize” the ecosystem in the ocean.

Now you can take sea urchins and use their innards as a delicacy to make sushi. Is that just a mirage? Because at the same time, WEF, Bill Gates & Co. are working on artificial meat that will one day feed the world. However, while waiting for our laboratory-created meat, we are encouraged to eat bugs.

The WEF is promoting lab-grown coffee to cut back on deforestation while destroying small farmers’ livelihoods.

In the WEF new world, animals consumed by humans should be fed food made in laboratories. They also believe your pets should consume lab-created food.

Self-Healing Concrete

The WEF is advertising a new miracle weapon for the construction industry – “self-healing concrete.”  The concrete contains an enzyme made from human blood.

24-Hour Survalliance

The WEF wants to deploy intelligent drones all over the world, ostensibly to save the planet. It is not coincidental that governments used drones to track down ‘corona violators throughout the coronavirus crisis.’ So they can be used to monitor people, as is already happening in China.

Tracing your clothing is going to save the planet, claims the WEF. If globalists can track everyone and everything they want you to believe your world is somehow going to be better? The Great Reset means the elites gain more control over your life.

The propaganda video, 8 Predictions For The World in 2030, received so much backlash it was taken down. Here’s a copy, don’t know how long it will be up. I’ll include commentary by Russell Brand on the video below it.

The Prince of Wales’ video that launched the Great Reset

Highlights of Elites statement on the Great Reset

Source: Theburningplatform

Image: Wikicommons


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