This is Hillary’s Village and these are the future voters of America, school-aged children screaming obscenities, who need their mouths washed out with soap. These are also Hillary voters, grown women shaking and smacking their backsides at Trump supporters as they drive by.
How far our country has fallen when this behavior is displayed proudly on the sidewalks of America. There is no way Hillary would sit down with these constituents, as she would view them with disgust, but she does need their support.
This is what America will look like if the progressive continue to run our schools, promote illegal immigration and champion single family homes.
The majority of protesters in the following video are minorities and many are waving Mexican flags. If there is so much love for Mexico, then why sneak into America?
We have become the laughing stock of the world with this type of behavior being displayed in all its glory on the web. View it for oneself on the next page and weep.
These liberals are showing the type of people they really are and they are passing their “class” on to their children. What kind of parenting is that?
These are the same idiots that voted for obama..what do you expect?
No respect
Share post with all states that have not voted… you still have to vote just like Cruz n kaisich are still against trump he still has to make it to 1237 to be the nominee or there will be a contested convention…..
It figures thugs have no respect are clasd
Deport these filthy pigs!!!!
Deported all son of the Mexican cartel and grand son of vice president Mexican jimes fock.
why dont you put that big fat$#%&!@*to work libertard
So much for Hilary’s village concept