Although it wasn’t an official endorsement, Donald Trump earned some kind words from a very noteworthy source.
Jerry Falwell Jr. is president of Liberty University and son of Jerry Falwell. The late Falwell Sr. was one of the most powerful voices for both Christianity and conservatism, supporting Ronald Reagan in his first successful bid for the presidency and establishing Liberty University for people seeking a quality education free of left-wing bias.
With this background, it is no wonder that presidential candidates have been making their way to the university, hoping to speak before the young, politically-astute audience. Even Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, a socialist from the reliably blue state of Vermont, has stopped by Liberty University to make his case. But one candidate in particular has earned praise from the university’s president, and it isn’t Bernie Sanders.
The candidate who has wowed Falwell Jr is GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who spoke at the university this week. Impressed by Trump’s strength of character, Falwell spoke with Sean Hannity about why he likes Trump so much.
See video of Falwell’s remarks on the next page:
Lost your mind, Hillary wants rid of guns,(no need to lie about that), wants to usher in millions of immigrants,(or that), but whatever the crowd she is lying to about everything else wants to hear is what she is doing. Today, whoever she talks to next will get a a revised version to their tastes.
The big thing is he is not Hillary and he is a Christian ( not Liberty University Christian). Presbyterian is a Christian Denomination.
Trump 2016!!!
Trisha Anderson Rogers
Did you think Bush or Obama had hearts? How did that turn out?
I try not to think about Bush or Obama.
David Tremblay, what does that have to do with Trump or are you just making a statement. Bush never should’ve went into Iraq and Obama never should’ve left the way he did, everything else is ideology.
Russell Mims killery Harry Reid and a whole lot more Democrats voted for that war
falwell was a dollar preacher. the more dollars he got , the more he preached. ever seen a picture of his mansion. i wouldnt believe junior either. he likes that dollar too.