Although it wasn’t an official endorsement, Donald Trump earned some kind words from a very noteworthy source.
Jerry Falwell Jr. is president of Liberty University and son of Jerry Falwell. The late Falwell Sr. was one of the most powerful voices for both Christianity and conservatism, supporting Ronald Reagan in his first successful bid for the presidency and establishing Liberty University for people seeking a quality education free of left-wing bias.
With this background, it is no wonder that presidential candidates have been making their way to the university, hoping to speak before the young, politically-astute audience. Even Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, a socialist from the reliably blue state of Vermont, has stopped by Liberty University to make his case. But one candidate in particular has earned praise from the university’s president, and it isn’t Bernie Sanders.
The candidate who has wowed Falwell Jr is GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who spoke at the university this week. Impressed by Trump’s strength of character, Falwell spoke with Sean Hannity about why he likes Trump so much.
See video of Falwell’s remarks on the next page:
Don Castleberry
Just shows Bernie Sanders campaign reports aren’t all true. Trump! 2016!!!
“The late Falwell Sr. was one of the most powerful voices for both Christianity…….” Not hardly.
At the moment who cares. He is the 1 2 stop the mess
“They” say we won’t get out and vote for TRUMP – – – let’s show them just how wrong they are AGAIN! I HAVE HEARD THAT IN SOME STATES THIS IS A BIT TRICKY – – GET WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF YOUR CHANGE. ONE LADY SAID SHE HAD TO GO BACK THE SECOND TIME TO GET THE CHANGE MADE. IT IS WORTH THE TROUBLE FOLKS – – VOTE TRUMP. Check this site to make sure of the rules for your state. Some states require you to be a registered Republican in order to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary and the general election. Check and make necessary changes to be able to vote for TRUMP so he can Make America Great Again. He is the only one who is willing to do what has to be done to keep this country safe and secure – – if we are DEAD from Islamic terrorists attacks, no other issues matter!!…
A good tree produces good fruit like Trump, A bad tree like Oduma produces bad fruit.
Wrong he won’t take your guns, any of our amendments, and he’s not a scumbag like hilarious hillary.
Ya right. And everyone will have a free unicorn.
Raymond Johnson, maybe it’s time to start worrying about what really matters , everyone’s well being not always a fight. A billionaire can have a heart.