It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
Makes a momma proud. Right?????
Bad parenting
These kids will wish they had not been used.
Neal Harris, my thoughts are that the nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan are behind the funding. He spews white hatred and had money intercepted that Gaddafi sent back in the 80’s. Chances are that any money sent to him now, with the current adminstration, is making its way for its intended purposes. Honestly though, DC is just as good a place for these “harmless refugee women and orphans” as anywhere. Of there are bad apples, if rather they bring it to the idiots who allow it, rather than the people who are against it. That’s the only way since people learn. You don’t let a thief guard your valuables, and you don’t let a rapist guard your daughters. They never get that concept.
The parents of these children have no class to say the least. It’s to late for those children to ever learn how to respect themselves and others because they have lived with intolerance and discrimination all of their little lives
My children knew better than to let those nasty words roll out of their mouths around me. They grew up to be respected & respectful members of society & have been good parents raising their children in the same way so there is hope for the future as long as there are still people who respect life & have good moral foundation.
Thats because Libs dont want changes and Trump will Change all of there Demons way Corrupt Gov and all
Look closely at that picture, focus on the finger, it looks photoshopped. I’m no lib supporter; I try my best to make sure things going viral are legit
Trash from the garbage dump,using children for their vulgarity !!!! Despicable !!!!!!