It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
It’s a shame your parents are not doing their job of guiding you in your young life.
The liberals are terrified of Trump getting into office, why do they insist on bringing the innocent youth of our country to a new low!
You can wear that outfit trash mouth when you are being deported next year!
It’s a good thing that she lives in the USA where free speech ( such as it is today ) is still the law of the land.
This is exactly how ISIS us children to spread their evil hatred of Western Society, guess the liberals are taking a page from their Koran???
Didn’t learn their lesson…
Way to keep it classy liberals!
Keep pushing his approval up!
Sad to watch these libtards should be charged with child abuse