It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
Nice…have a little girl flipping the bird? Liberals are pathetic and have no logic.
Pathetic when they involve children!
This video will only help Trump even more. When will this liberal idiot get it? Oh, that’s right, he won’t, because he is a liberal idiot.
oh good, they’re programming another little HO
This girl should receive a whipping!!! The liberals who allowed this should be charged with child endangerment!!!!! They should be whipped also!!
Boy they are scared of him
Who teaches their children this kind of thing, she will be giving you the finger next.
Liberal is a synonym for, “The Epitome of STUPIDITY !!!
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this c**p! Most of us Americans, not proud of it. In fact it is pretty sad!