It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
This is shameful to have this little girl acting vulgar Liberal Democrats socialist need to show children they need to have respect
I heard a rumor that this liberal spawn is really a little boy that was raised as a girl since birth.
I wonder if that number is their IQ
No class at all, and too dumb to know or care.
These thing used to work in the past guess they think internet are still minority lol
The liberal democrates have stoop so low that they are useing children to show their hate for AMERICA
If she is indicted on federal charges, she will automatically be removed from running for president!
Liberals are useless as$#%&!@*on a boar hog
I am for Trump,but Trump should be on the alert for anything that could happen to him! I don’t trust the Democrats and Republican establishment! Remember1968!