It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
oh yes having children shoot the bird will defiantly make me vote for you >>>>>>>>>NOT :/ they are really twisted !!
least your is a adult and a legend in music 🙂
deport nasty people
SERIOUSLY? You need to try harder i get at least one a week…
It is so easy to find the few really bad people out of 150 MILLION adults when you get paid to do it……
Black lives matter.
(Having women troubles so now is a good time to write this…)
Do you know that with enough money and resources I could make you afraid of hamsters?
I actually did the research and I found where hamster bites caused death (Google “lethal hamster bite”)
If I was one of the six international corporations that own 85% of the PLANET’s media how long do you think I would have to run ads till you are convinced that hamsters cause autism? (BE HONEST)
So black lives matter…
There is what? 30 MILLION Minorities? (More like way more than 90 million but for the purpose of this rant 30 million… AND I am to freaking high to waste time looking it up when 30 million will do… because lets face it …Yes… You are this easily led)
So out of 30 FREAKING MILLION 100000 are bad? Do the math numbnuts… OK? 200000… do the math…
There is 312 million Americans last count… We all have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…blah blah blah… MASS MEDIA…
Out of 30 MILLION people…
How hard do you think it is to find the few thousand people that that do something stupid that the corporations use that keep you from thinking about sugar or how old the kid was that made your phone?
Don’t you READ?
“Black Deviants Want Access to White Only Schools”
That is an ACTUAL HEADLINE published in a newspaper back when we only had 3 channels on TV… Don’t believe me? Freaking Google it or call your local newspapers archive department.
“Thugs Disrupt White only Restaurant”
Google what they said about Rosa Parks… F$%king dare ya.
What did they call Martin Luther King when he blocked bridges? (Same thing they are saying now about Obama just with out the “Muslim” part)
Heck… What did they say about the crack-head Rodney King?
For some reason, when a group of people that have been discriminated against for generations actually points out the discrimination…
The people that either cause or FLAT OUT ignore the discrimination call it “race-baiting”…
Back to the hamster part…
…Have ya thought about it?
Do you think if I had the resources I could scare 80% of America into being afraid of hamsters? (Not you though, don’t worry you’re smart)
Did you Google “lethal hamster bite”?
Aint it nice being white?
Now watch this video nobody paid me to make numbnuts…
Looks like she needs that finger cut off..
The junior actor is obviously well rehearsed and probably well paid. I wonder if any bothered to mention to her that is appears a lot of fighting age men seem to be running from only a scant few Isis fighters. But to mention what these barbarians would do to the women in this video. Seems like real men would fight to save their country and women. Not runaway like women and children.
Teaching kids to be vile, foul mouthed, brain washed liberal nerds is not a positive trait. By the time he gets into college he will be assigned a ‘safe space’ full of Hillary dolls.
Charles Echols really :/ they just used a child to shout profanity and you find that ok ..yet while we are worried about this over 1000 out of control young people forced a mall shut down this weekend and people all over the USA are without homes due to weather crisis …yeah but what is important is this child used to shout profanity at people .. rather maybe she should spend some of her time helping clean up the huge mess from the tornadoes and flooding and now blizzards
Democrats have no class at all. They keep proving it.
I doubt she has parents. Probably parent, or 2 of same sex.
what she is showing is, the liberals I.Q. with stunts like this puts them in the same class as an amoeba