It’s no secret that liberals despise Donald Trump. A day rarely goes by without his name appearing on some blogger’s social media page or any number of left-wing publications with the word “racist” or “intolerant” attached to it in some form. While that’s to be expected of a man who speaks his mind in a society run by the easily offended, it’s horrifying how low people are willing to go to trash the man. Take the video below for example. Not only is it unintelligent, it exploits children.
See this video on the next page:
The libtards have no problem teaching kids total disrespect !!! It is truly a mental disorder !!!
liberals are stupid
The libs are sure scared Trump.
libtards are insane.
What a foul mouthed little witch. Liberals think this will sell thier message; I think they better try again. Sure hope that kid doesn’t need a job someday; with a mouth like that I don’t think she will get much.
Raisen your’e children well, I see !!!!!!
BOO! That is disgusting to have a young girl doing the “finger wave”!
Trump 2016 !
Their time will come…….in spades.
What kind of a freaking parent allows a kid to do this? Oh wait! Never mind