Things aren’t looking good for Hillary.
As the New Hampshire Democratic primary inches closer and closer, voters have emphatically rejected Clinton, a shocking blow to the candidate painted by the mainstream media as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. In fact, a CNN/WMUR poll revealed on Wednesday that a stunning 46% of New Hampshire Democrats consider Clinton to be the least honest candidate running for their party’s nomination. This represents a major lack of confidence in Clinton’s ability to not only keep her campaign promises but to handle affairs of state as well amongst the liberals whose votes she needs.
Even worse for her, enthusiasm for the dark horse candidate, the former-Independent Bernie Sanders, is building, with 50% of New Hampshire Democrats supporting him over Hillary’s 40% of voters, indicating the socialist senator from Vermont is finally overtaking the former Secretary of State on the campaign trail.
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Some people woke up
She’s very dishonest, A lying crab.
Anyone still wanting to vote for her has lost all intelligence.
But they’ll still vote for her; no shame and no brain if they vote for Hilly.
Hillary fame,,,,,,BENGHAZI GUN RUNNER,,,partner,,,,BARRACK OBAMA
she’s never told the truth
She will keep the welfare wagon rolling for ungrateful non working career moochers who have no job but sucking off the titts of hard working Americans who have no intent on getting a job and being a productive member of this great nation. Oh yea she is a liar and needs to be in prison for life. Couldn’t do her job to protect solders in Bengazi. And continues to lie about it. I knew she was lying the moment her mouth was moving. If they were serious about climate change they would shut all you libtards up you are filling the atmosphere with hot air.
But the stupid left wing Liberal ding bats will still vote for the Benghazi MURDERER.