Seeking to capitalize on the emboldened push for gay rights amongst liberals, Clinton’s campaign released a video this week touting her advocacy of the LGBT agenda. The ad even went as far as to feature same-sex couples kissing, a move that was met with thunderous applause by any number of left-wing outlets.
Salon, the notorious web hangout of avowed liberals, heaped praise upon Clinton for the video’s featuring of gay kissing, finding it “impressive and heartening that Clinton includes gay kisses in her campaign spots.” The site went on to bash the vast majority of Americans who are personally “uncomfortable” with seeing couples in general and gay couples in particular kiss, insinuating people with such concerns are bigots.
To learn more about Clinton’s history with gay rights, turn to the next page:
This old hag would sleep with Michelle Odumer is she thought it meant votes
She is one sick person
She USED To Be “AGAINST” Gay’s=NOW She’s Wants Their VOTES-so she’s USING + MANIPULATING THEM for her “ad’s”! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
Anti gay, then for them, anti muslim, now for them, anti rape victom rights, now for them; She even makes bs barry look a little honest.
All liberals are$#%&!@*everybody knows that
Trump for president . She’s a lier and thief.
She’s desperate for votes folks….Very desperate.
the gay rights people need to watch out she has flipped so many time of this issue that you can’t keep up… she will wooooooooo you ant then throw you under the bus…..
What a two faced snake and jerk face