Seeking to capitalize on the emboldened push for gay rights amongst liberals, Clinton’s campaign released a video this week touting her advocacy of the LGBT agenda. The ad even went as far as to feature same-sex couples kissing, a move that was met with thunderous applause by any number of left-wing outlets.
Salon, the notorious web hangout of avowed liberals, heaped praise upon Clinton for the video’s featuring of gay kissing, finding it “impressive and heartening that Clinton includes gay kisses in her campaign spots.” The site went on to bash the vast majority of Americans who are personally “uncomfortable” with seeing couples in general and gay couples in particular kiss, insinuating people with such concerns are bigots.
To learn more about Clinton’s history with gay rights, turn to the next page:
She is for whatever is your passion to your face, but God forbid you should turn your back. Everything is subject to change just like the weather. Is this the kind of person you want for a president. If so, you have my sympathy because you certainly are not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
What does any one expect out of this trash?
Flip flopping hag
Posting this comment again from another post because it’s revelant here as well.
When U’ve watched her for as long as I have over the years since the scandalous days of their White House residency during the pitiful Clinton presidency, once you take a deeper into her/their last, look you’ll find loads of dirty politics and dirty illegal lawyer dealings – she was a lawyer for years, and it all adds up to a pile of underhanded career politician stench in ones nostrils. I won’t say the word hate against her, but a humongous dislike for this woman whose integrity amounts to a small bean in my eyes. She would surely bring our country to it’s knees with her dipstick rhetoric & would snowball us into God only knows what depths of madness as a nation. Plz do not be fooled by this criminally inept politician, she’s not what our country needs. She will hookwink us into one sinking ship of policies after another…she’s that inept, and should become but a distant blip on the radar screen of potential presidential candidates for the 2016 elections. We thought Obama is the anti-christ, but Hillary Clinton could turn out to be the real true Antichrist. So we need to collectively be praying to God that she becomes a distant blip on the screen, that’s how bad she would be for our country.
Hillary is nothing but a complete and total B**ch.
Isn’t it funny how her opinion changes when the majority rules
Google “Huma / Hillary ” !
Hillary will say and do anything to get elected it is what she does after you elect her. Remember she is the most dishonest person ever running for office.
She has “Evolved” don’t you know?