Although Hillary has attempted to paint herself as a long-time supporter of LGBT causes to gullible liberals, her actual record regarding issues like gay marriage is much more complicated than Democrats like to believe. Indeed, while liberals slam Republicans as intolerant and homophobic, they ignore that Hillary held similar positions for years. Breitbart has more about Hillary’s mixed gay rights-history:
“However, Clinton has had a shaky record when it comes to same-sex marriage. In 2010 the State Department changed the passport application forms from ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ to ‘Parent 1’ and ‘Parent 2,’ in order to accommodate and recognize same-sex parents.
Emails released by the State Department show that then-Secretary of State Hillary was furious over the decision to give out gay-friendly passports. She sent an angry email to a staffer saying she wouldn’t defend the decision, ‘which I disagree w and knew nothing about, in front of this Congress.’
It was also reported that in 2000, then-President Bill Clinton told historian Taylor Branch that Hillary experienced ‘discomfort’ around ‘gay people who were king of acting out.’ He told the historian that Hillary was, ‘a little put off by some of this stuff’ and found gay rights ‘harder to swallow.’
Clinton did not come out in favor of same-sex marriage until 2013.”
Source: Breitbart
Hillary admitting she’s against gay marriage:
She’s her middle eastern adviser. Islam has bought Killary.
I absolutely love your comment. I hope you don’t mind me reposting your statement.
I edited some grammar errors. But the gist o the message remains the same.
You can’t polish a$#%&!@*