If America’s youth have shown us anything after the past two elections it’s that many of them should not be allowed to vote. They have consistently made voting decisions and political stances based on social issues instead of what’s best for the country as a whole. Now, before you go agreeing with that last statement and say things like, “Yeah, they’re stupid”, it’s important to ask yourself this question: Are they stupid, or just uninformed?
If you were to go to any college campus and America and ask students to tell you what the Constitution is and what it says, many of them wouldn’t be able to tell you. While that might point to a severe lack of intelligence, it’s probably the result of liberal college professors and their agendas. These ideals have become like a pestilence that’ll destroy us all.
In the video on the next page, you an witness these problems first hand. When asked about Donald Trump, the citizens of San Antonio, TX, either wanted to kill him or tell him that he’s racist, and the person who wanted him dead wanted to kill him because he thought he was racist. Therefore, they’re making their voting decisions based strictly on social issues. Never mind what’s best for the country beyond that.
Watch the video and see what they had to say about Hillary Clinton on the next page.
If trump is assassinated we go to war, and all these socialist bitches and their families are fair game.
Joan Hellyer Thomas Jefferson was true liberal in the classic sense. When the progressive socialists fell out of public favor in the early twentieth century, they simply rebranded themselves liberals. They hijacked the term in other words to in an effort to cloak themselves.
No. 1- he is NOT WORTH going to prison for 2. -Only important presidents get assassinated 3. -Democrats are famous for assassinating those they don’t like…..guarantee Oblama and HILLARY are BOTH GUILTY !!!!!!!
Put him in jail !
thay will eat even one of there own.
liberals are simply sickening disgusting pieces of human waste
Im not a liberal or a socialist, im an American, who believes if u want it work for it, if u cant, or wont work for it u dont need it, and u probly dont deserve it, granted there are cases, where people cant, and i respect that, but im damn sure tired of the career welfare recipients, who think i owe them half of my take home, so they can stay home.. Regardless of what, or who i am, or what, or who anyone else is, we all better start thinking we are all Americans, and come together on that fact, and quit letting our govt divide us, and take sides, there isnt one gud thing about our govt, rite now, thats actually helping the people as Americans, whats gud for one should be gud for all. If i can do it u should be able to also, if u can get away wth it, than i should too. Our govt is so crooked rite now, WE THE PEOPLE, need to take out, the trash, stop the nonsense, from the top, and i think, the majority of the c**p going will, come back to a managable roar, its our govt who is labeling everyone, rascist, terrorist, conservative, liberal, and make know mistake about it, they are all in it together, deseption, its there best weapon. Stand together, dont let them divide us. If u see a big red ant, by himself u probly gonna step on it, and think nothing of it, but guaranteed ur gonna stay away from a big ant colony, strength in nmbers guys, its gonna take all of us.. Americans..
WoW! hard to believe there are that many people who are insane-they are the ones who do not needs guns in there position.
Was now if I do FB blocks me and then deletes my post.
No surprise here that’s how the left handle a problem, just kill them.