Ohhh the sweet, sweet irony: after spending decades mocking and deriding conservatives for voicing skepticism of government, progressives are panicking that the feds are going to come after them.
Since the 1950’s at least, the left has pushed the meme of “radical right-wing extremism”, the idea that conservatives are anti-government extremists ready to engage in random acts of violence against federal workers and innocent bystanders. In fact, historian Richard Hofstadter wrote a whole book about what he called “the paranoid style” in American politics, ostensibly a look at the role of mass hysteria in the nation’s political history but really a cheap smear of anyone to the left of Joseph Stalin as an unstable crypto-fascist. Liberals have been reading from this script since then, regularly invoking fears about conservative “conspiracy theorists” and their Republican enablers.
Of course, now that they’re out of power and find themselves facing a Republican-dominated government, Democrats are singing – or rather, howling – a very different tune.
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American Christians, our neighbors and alike, let’s not be foolish, rather take heed of understanding the moment. In these times will fulfill scripture, Luke 22:38. Not even the desciples understood our Lords Word and only a few preachers. 38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied. One sword here is the Word of God and the other sword, for you to sell your cloak and purchase, a way to defend yourself. In the Roman times of our Lord the sword, as a defense weapon, would be like a 9mm or 45 pistol in our times. Our Christian American early leaders gave us the 2nd amendment because they could see we would need it, just like our Lord could see the same, and warns us. Carry Both Swords together with love and devotion, please. 12/20/2016 – 12/30/2017
We believe in God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, Gods only son our Lord, thank you for this moment in time. We thank you for making known your presence. Thank you for each one of our brother and sisters as well neighbors in your Son Christ Jesus. Please Lord help us defend ourselves, we are naive within your perfect love to your enemies true will. We so dearly love You, need You, patiently seeking your face, our Rock, our Fortress and our deliverer; O’ God, our strength in whom we trust. amen
I thought they were all about gun free safe zones… they’ll shoot each other…
Idiots with guns. Oh great!
OMG…hypocrite….thought they wanted to be guns…LOL
Really guys? When have you ever been near a liberal and not know it? Lol they make sure you know.
What makes people think they’re buying guns for THEMSELVES? OBAMA gave weapons to Mexican drug cartels and Muslim terrorists. By their own twisted logic, liberals are quite capable of giving guns to black racist groups, Muslim terrorist supporters, illegal “immigrants” and “refugees”, and others, so they can “defend” themselves against all the horrible right-wing conservative “phobics” with Trump at their head
Whose going to teach them how to handle a gun?
Always check the barrel first 🙂
Make sure you look down the barrel
Dido sales are through the roof.