Ohhh the sweet, sweet irony: after spending decades mocking and deriding conservatives for voicing skepticism of government, progressives are panicking that the feds are going to come after them.
Since the 1950’s at least, the left has pushed the meme of “radical right-wing extremism”, the idea that conservatives are anti-government extremists ready to engage in random acts of violence against federal workers and innocent bystanders. In fact, historian Richard Hofstadter wrote a whole book about what he called “the paranoid style” in American politics, ostensibly a look at the role of mass hysteria in the nation’s political history but really a cheap smear of anyone to the left of Joseph Stalin as an unstable crypto-fascist. Liberals have been reading from this script since then, regularly invoking fears about conservative “conspiracy theorists” and their Republican enablers.
Of course, now that they’re out of power and find themselves facing a Republican-dominated government, Democrats are singing – or rather, howling – a very different tune.
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I hope some one told them which end the bullet comes out of
Tell them to never look down the barrel and pull the trigger. They love doing what conservatives tell them not to.
No, we’re just double buying
But liberals believe in Americas owners should have guns.
They wanted the biggest gun with the smallest bullets
Sure. When you buy a weapon the first question they ask is are you a liberal. Lol
From here on out, document all gun related crimes / accidents by political persuasion. I want to see how they measure up with the rest of us. Should be interesting.
Wait you mean all of a sudden they believe in the right to bear arms? That’s awesome, now they can shut the$#%&!@*up about my guns or at least show up to the fight with something besides 30,000 pissed off college kids with dildos and coloring books.
Please don’t purchase if you don’t have a clue what you are doing!
One reason I don’t believe it!
Oooo scared