Ohhh the sweet, sweet irony: after spending decades mocking and deriding conservatives for voicing skepticism of government, progressives are panicking that the feds are going to come after them.
Since the 1950’s at least, the left has pushed the meme of “radical right-wing extremism”, the idea that conservatives are anti-government extremists ready to engage in random acts of violence against federal workers and innocent bystanders. In fact, historian Richard Hofstadter wrote a whole book about what he called “the paranoid style” in American politics, ostensibly a look at the role of mass hysteria in the nation’s political history but really a cheap smear of anyone to the left of Joseph Stalin as an unstable crypto-fascist. Liberals have been reading from this script since then, regularly invoking fears about conservative “conspiracy theorists” and their Republican enablers.
Of course, now that they’re out of power and find themselves facing a Republican-dominated government, Democrats are singing – or rather, howling – a very different tune.
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I do hope they will spend the time and energy to learn proper gun safety, and marksmanship. Making the transition from protesting with dildos to gun ownership is a big step for most of these liberals.
We can only hope
An oxymoron-liberal gun owner
They are the ones who want guns taken away.
Hope they don’t shoot themselves. Don’t they know guns kill! Isn’t that what they preach all the time?
Ya gotta remember that them folks think that guns can act on their own , so all they gotta do is have one !!
well know when start shootin their crotch off !
I thought they didn’t believe in guns??!!
They are total hypocrites and liars, and they’re only morality is situational. The funny part is that at this point, gun control become a joke. If the Liberals are still believers and gun control at this point, then they need to turn their own guns in as soon as they buy them. And the real gun grabbers are going to need to start investigating these folks any of them are mentally ill, for mental defectiveness for which they must be disarmed by the government.