The more the left accuses Donald Trump and his supporters of being hateful and bigoted, the more hateful and bigoted they act at his events.
For instance, an anti-Trump protestor accused a peaceful rally attendee of sexually harassing her before sucker-punching him. Although the media ran with the fact that the girl got maced after attacking the attendee, they left out the part about her punching him and falsely claiming he touched her against her will.
The week hasn’t even come to an end and video has already emerged of anti-Trump protestors engaging in intolerant behavior at another event. The protestors can be seen carrying signs saying that the real estate tycoon is a Nazi, with one giving the middle finger to Trump supporters.
Without even skipping a beat, the protestors break into a chant to “end hate,” with hate referring to the ideas and policies of Trump and not, say, making obscene gestures at people with different political beliefs.
Watch the video on the next page:
The video is demonstrative of the left’s cognitive dissonance when it comes to hate. When conservatives do or say nasty things, it’s proof of a wider contempt for civility and cruelty towards others on the right. However, when liberals do it, it’s just brave progressives standing up to evil bigots.
See this nonsense for yourself:
Click to enlarge.
They really are that stupid. Hard to believe. Liberals are too dumb to live.
They have no brains can’t read english have no idea what voting really is and in Mexico they don’t even fight for their country. They are push offs by Mexico on us.
Trump will fight for this country. No one else in the establishment has or will. All women understand that they are the neck that makes the head turn. So, give Donald a break, he will do the right thing for women and their families. Either Donald Trump gets the nomination or this country has seen it’s better days.
The reason we have directions on shampoo bottles
I should have gone to see Donald Trump today and should have talked to the Media for this is what I would have said: I love Donald Trump and what he stands for in this Country – he would have jobs for every one who wants one and I damn it want one since morons in this Country think that 55 and over are the elderly like stupid Pelosi said on TV and then people wouldn’t hire you and they laugh thinking its funny, its NOT and I’m angered about it. Another thing is Yes, I want the Wall for M13 thugs from Mexico are here in the United States killing Americans like the FBI in Wisconsin knows about, since they arrested them for killing someone here in Wisconsin for no good reason then his horn wouldn’t stop blaring for he was having mechanical problems with it. And Drug Cartels feeding our youth of today with damn Drugs that kill them, for read in the paper and on the internet recently that Health Departments are finding more children dying here and getting shot. And damn Muslims that have been raping Women in America in their UBER cars. And Muslim teachers in America threatening young children and telling them they are going to KILL them. Yah, I’m pissed and I should have gone there. I have plenty to say. Morons in this Country will eventually see the truth, but it will be too late and suffering will begin. We all ready have a threat from Iran and a missile that they got over to Cuba is just steps away from America. THINK ON THAT!
DON’T WORRY – I am for sure – I’m angered to all get out.
Flip away!!!
Screw thes paid protest bitches.
Wisconsin pretty Progressive overall. Can’t count on those fools.