The more the left accuses Donald Trump and his supporters of being hateful and bigoted, the more hateful and bigoted they act at his events.
For instance, an anti-Trump protestor accused a peaceful rally attendee of sexually harassing her before sucker-punching him. Although the media ran with the fact that the girl got maced after attacking the attendee, they left out the part about her punching him and falsely claiming he touched her against her will.
The week hasn’t even come to an end and video has already emerged of anti-Trump protestors engaging in intolerant behavior at another event. The protestors can be seen carrying signs saying that the real estate tycoon is a Nazi, with one giving the middle finger to Trump supporters.
Without even skipping a beat, the protestors break into a chant to “end hate,” with hate referring to the ideas and policies of Trump and not, say, making obscene gestures at people with different political beliefs.
Watch the video on the next page:
The video is demonstrative of the left’s cognitive dissonance when it comes to hate. When conservatives do or say nasty things, it’s proof of a wider contempt for civility and cruelty towards others on the right. However, when liberals do it, it’s just brave progressives standing up to evil bigots.
See this nonsense for yourself:
They will do anything they are told to do by Soros or whomever is paying them to protest.
Wrong side. Trump supporters are AGAINST the haters, who are Democrats!
Trump all the way
Hi everybody, Truth And Action…I think it is 574 , and you? jont now…
bLsTD1U <3 start now. ~~>
let’s like post: Typical leftist hypocrisy……
People in Wisconsin please get out and vote for Trump. They do not want him cause he wants to end the corruption in washington. That means more money for our social programs without going in debt.
Liberals have shown their true colors ! ( and it’s not red , white and blue )
Hypocrisy at its finest!
the flipping off dosen’t hurt anyone, it just shows how stupid the one doing the flipping really is.
You don’t like Trump. That’s fine. He is crass, rude and in your face. But, he has the best policies out of all the candidates. He’s going to build a wall to secure our porous Southern border. He’s going to deport all illegals who are leeching off our government and taking American jobs. Not to mention committing crimes and violence. He wants to halt all immigration for a couple of years to rebuild our Economy, get people working again. He’s going to renegotiate our trade deals with countries like Mexico and China which are lopsided and costing us billions. He will impose tariffs and taxes on companies that move their companies overseas. This will keep more companies here and bring some back as well .The tariffs will help American businesses be more competitive with foreign markets. We will build more factories here and produce our own jobs. NATO doesn’t do$#%&!@*for us. We supply most of the cost and muscle. Trump will have countries paying us for protection. He will rebuild our military that Obama has dismantled to preWW2 days. He will fix the VA and take care of our veterans for once. We need a strong military because of what’s going on in the world. And, we need a strong leader that our enemies and allies will fear and respect. We have Russia and China ramping up their militaries, playing war games together and forming an alliance. China is building military islands in the China Sea. We have ISIS growing in number, territory and power throughout the Middle East and North Africa each day because Obama hasn’t done$#%&!@*to stop them. In fact, he’s funded and armed them. We have a maniac with nuclear weapons in North Korea testing long range missiles and taunting us, yet Obama does nothing. Obama gave Iran 150 billion to continue to sponsor terror and build nuclear weapons which they’ll have within 2 years. We can’t inspect their sites. They were chanting death to America. Death to Israel during negotiations. Yet treasonous Obama still gave it to them. And, they’ve already violated the agreement by testing long range ballistic missiles. Trump will address all these threats. We are on the cusp of WW3. Look at all the different countries involved in the conflict in Syria. We have a 19 trillion dollar national debt and are heading for the largest financial collapse this world has ever seen. Why do you think the GOP, DNC, big banks, Wall Street, Soros and the Rothchilds are all pouring over 100 million into defeating and discrediting Trump? These are all the entities that have been screwing the American people for decades. Sanders will just add tremendously to this debt and bankrupt this country. Clinton can’t handle something as simple as a secure email server to protect national security. They raped, tortured and burned those 4 Americans alive in Benghazi for 7 hours and Clinton and Obama didn’t do$#%&!@*about it. Clinton ignored requests for added security for weeks preceding the attacks and Obama refused to issue the “go ahead” for troops that were on their way to help and had to turn around. And, Clinton lied about the emails, about Benghazi and everything else under the sun. I really don’t care if you people hate Trump for the way he acts. But, for the Love of God and the future of our country, please take a look at his policies and what’s going on in the world around us. Take a look at the other candidate’s policies and make an objective decision based on facts not emotions. This election can very well determine the fate of this nation.