The more the left accuses Donald Trump and his supporters of being hateful and bigoted, the more hateful and bigoted they act at his events.
For instance, an anti-Trump protestor accused a peaceful rally attendee of sexually harassing her before sucker-punching him. Although the media ran with the fact that the girl got maced after attacking the attendee, they left out the part about her punching him and falsely claiming he touched her against her will.
The week hasn’t even come to an end and video has already emerged of anti-Trump protestors engaging in intolerant behavior at another event. The protestors can be seen carrying signs saying that the real estate tycoon is a Nazi, with one giving the middle finger to Trump supporters.
Without even skipping a beat, the protestors break into a chant to “end hate,” with hate referring to the ideas and policies of Trump and not, say, making obscene gestures at people with different political beliefs.
Watch the video on the next page:
The video is demonstrative of the left’s cognitive dissonance when it comes to hate. When conservatives do or say nasty things, it’s proof of a wider contempt for civility and cruelty towards others on the right. However, when liberals do it, it’s just brave progressives standing up to evil bigots.
See this nonsense for yourself:
Trump minuteman campaign:
Emergency Trump Alert: Stay on message everyone. No distractions. The GOP, Cruz, Kasich, Walker and Ryan are trying to steal Trumps Nomination. They are trying to get a landslide win in Wisconsin next Tuesday. All of their efforts are aimed there. Everyone reading this must urge anyone from Wisconsin to go to the polls. If we get 80% turnout from Trump supporters he can win. That would shock everyone. Lets start the “Trump Minuteman Campaign in Wisconsin”. This has to be a grassroots thing. Everyone reading this must participate and share this message. We need you help and ACTION. Don’t get distracted by the noise;;that is what they want. Act now!
They are so bad. they yell,push, flip you off with the finger, they will yank your sign out of your hand. A stupid Liberal got in his truck and this shows just how stupid they are he videoed him running up on the curb of this person’s house and ran over their Trump sign. But to show the Liberal stupidity he posted it on Facebook!! From what I hear this got him charged. So STUPID they are..
Make Trump supporters look very very good;they look low class!
can’t people see what a great job politicians have done running our country ?? running it into the ground that is…they do not do what is best for our country or the working people..millions of dollars are poured into their campaigns.. does anyone honestly believe that this is done without there being strings attached ?? when elected these politicians are going to look out for those special interests and at the same time fill their own pockets.. republicans and democrats both do it time after time … our country just keeps sinking more and more….why do you want to keep electing these same fools with no experience in running anything but their mouth ?? give a businessman a chance to straighten out our economy , bring jobs back , negotiate better trade deals and reduce our debt.. even though you might not like everything about trump , he does have much more experience in these areas than all the politicians in washington combined and does not owe any special interest groups or foreign powers….to those that claim trump can not win the general election , why is it that hillary , obama , all the democratic elites and the liberal media are constantly doing everything they can to destroy him but never even mention any other republican ?? because they are scared to run against trump…..
What a mess. Goo Trump!
That is ridiculous..that’s her age
The popular vote has been ignored before. one such time was when the$#%&!@*party could never get more than 37% of the popular vote, but Germany leadership ignored that fact and gave them control,,can we say$#%&!@* Trump 2016