Two-years-olds disguised as college students at Missouri are throwing heartless temper tantrums because the eyes of the world have shifted off of them an onto those who are truly suffering.
Paris has stolen the activists’ thunder and they cannot see past their infantile self absorption. Amazingly, they sent out these tweets immediately after the attacks.
This is what a generation of entitlement and victimization looks like. This is what the liberal’s sponsor: a generation that is self-absorbed and demanding as carved out by the left.
On the next page one can read the tweets of these kids suffering from what appears to be empathy deficient disorder.
These entitlement children should have their scholarships revoked and booted out of school!
Racists protesting racism! Effective!
Idiots people died! Your spoiled brat rants no one cares about! Shut up n get a real education !
And they ask why !!!!
really? apparent that not aware if recent crisis and again displaying “what about me”. Self centered and self serving,Wait a bit and when the more prevelant subsides you will get your turn,always do
Get over it…..your 15 minutes are up
Hate is welling up in clear thinkers about the scum of society.
What Limelight ?
Stop funding these parasites