The liberal media are reeling with the latest Republican polls. As Trump makes his statements on immigration, Carson states he would not vote for a Muslim president (at this time), and Fiorina slams Planned Parenthood as baby butchers, the liberal media has turned somersaults to discredit and promote outrage at all three candidates.
The polls following each incident, have the individual candidates rising significantly, proving that the liberal media is not only ineffective, but totally out of touch with main stream American.
This trend, which is so unique, can be contributed some say to the fact that these three are non-politicos, they are outside the political “establishment”. Americans are responding. Americans are telling the main stream media, and those big liberal websites attempting to create a scandal out of the statements these three are making, “we don’t care, we want the truth”.
Are you surprised Americans are ignoring the scandal making of the MSM?
Good to see trump and Carson fight back and stop Islam from taking over America.
Yea! Americs good job keep running polls up
TRUMP 2016!
Watch this Video about our Leader it is two parts and from 2008 and talks about if he becomes president what will happen…. Wake up Sheep the whole system is broken if you are not the 1% you are a pawn in their game. P>S> all predictions came true every one of them.
Please keep them honest.
But carson is for forced vacations
Trump for president for four years to get country straightened out,Carson for v.p. then take over for trump after four years,Cruz as v.p for carson, then Cruz president
no trump and carson trump and cruz carson for medfical not president or vp carson is agast the second amendant and we wnt stand forthat