Liberal Hitchhikes Through Middle East to Spread Peace and “marriage between different peoples and nations”, Ends up Raped and Murdered

Bacca’s 2008 trip ended near the village of Gebze, about forty miles southeast of Istanbul. The police tracked down the killer, a man named Murat Karatas after he used a cell phone that he had taken from Ms. Bacca.

Ms. Moro said she and Ms. Bacca had dreamed up the performance piece at a party last spring. Wearing different wedding dresses designed by Manuel Facchini of the fashion company Byblos, the two artists were to travel — at times together, at times separately — through northeastern Italy, Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and Syria, before arriving in Israel. Along the way they would stop at galleries, foundations or cultural centers to meet with local artists, craftsmen and midwives.

Ms. Moro’s performance included asking women at various stops to embroider patterns on her wedding dress. Ms. Bacca would meet with the midwives and wash their feet. “It was to honor their profession, which is to bring life into being,” Ms. Moro said.

En route they would document their experiences by taking photographs, keeping diaries and recording video.

A video on YouTube shows the “brides” getting ready for their trip at a party at the Casa Morigi, a cultural space in Milan. The two women dress to the accompaniment of an accordion player, then descend to the street, laughing excitedly, to bid their goodbyes to friends and well-wishers. Rice is thrown, and the two take off on motorcycles, the only segment of the trip with planned transportation.

“In every country, including Turkey, we hitched rides with amazing people, from students to farmers to businessmen,” Ms. Moro said. “Some offered us lunch. Others didn’t even ask why we were dressed like that; they didn’t even care.”

The two artists planned to wrap up their journey sometime in May with a performance in a public space in Tel Aviv, where they would ceremonially wash the two wedding dresses, as they periodically did on the trip. “We were going to wash away the traces of war, to cancel them,” Ms. Moro said.

The final act of “Brides on Tour” was to have been an exhibition this November at the Byblos art gallery in Verona, Italy, where the wedding dresses would be displayed with mementos and photographs from the trip.

Ms. Moro said she still hoped to take to the road to finish the performance. “Otherwise it would be a failure, and I don’t want the message to fail,” she said.

“I am not disowning the project,” she added firmly. “This tragedy only highlights how difficult peaceful relations are and how much work there is still to do.”

This is the way modern people are being taught to think. The world isn’t sunshine and rainbows as the liberal media and various peace groups would have you believe. If Pippa Bacca hadn’t been killed Turkey, chances are that something would have happened to her or her friend during their journey through Syria.

The ignorance and downright stupidity of liberals never ceases to amaze, which is why this tragic event will likely be a lesson ignored by those most needing to learn it.




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