Liberal Feminist Endorses Deporting Families of Terrorists

What panics Brighton the most is her fellow liberals, to say nothing of America’s as a whole, inability to confront the problem of Islamic extremism head-on. She points to the failure of the media to investigate the Council for American-Islamic Relations’ ties to terrorist groups and the radical relationship between many mosques and the fundamentalist government of Saudi Arabia.

“After discussing how the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has terror ties—it has been designated by the United Arab Emirates as a terrorist organization while weak leaders in the United States and the mainstream media refuse to discuss CAIR’s true ties to terror—Brighton also made the case that Mosques and Imams are a problem nationwide in America.

‘Eighty percent of the Mosques in this country are owned and operated by Saudi Arabia,’ Brighton said.

We know that the leadership in 80 percent of the Mosques is radical. In my book, you’ll read quote after quote after quote from Imams across this country. Here’s an example from an Imam in Washington, D.C.: ‘If you don’t give us justice, if you don’t give us equality, if you don’t give us our share of America, if you don’t stay out of our way and leave us alone, we’re going to burn America down.’

This is not just one Imam in one Mosque. We’re seeing this all over the country. We’ve seen this for at least five years at a minimum going on here.

Brighton says her book, ‘Sharia-ism Is Here: The Battle To Control Women; And Everyone Else,’ looks at 60 American news stories from 2008 through 2014, separating religion from politics to demonstrate how political correctness in America ‘is actually enabling and growing Sharia-ism in this country.’

Says Brighton, ‘We are unwilling to distinguish between religion and control’ (of others) when it comes to Sharia and ‘we are way over the line.’

‘We believe in individual liberties and freedom of speech which is being challenged because it’s all suddenly hate speech,’ said Brighton.”

Source: Breitbart



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