The hatred for Donald Trump shown by some of those on the left shows not sign of letting up. So enraged are these people over his victory that their anger is making them do things that are not only offensive, but in some cases illegal. It’s not entirely clear that they are even capable of rational thought anymore as they have become obsessed with their desire to not only disrupt Trumps’ inauguration, but also his presidency.
Mob violence is an especially scary thing as those participating tend to lose contact with their own identities and merge into the mob itself. The result is that they will do things as part of a mob that they would likely never do as an individual. Hence, the danger of mobs.
There is real concern that Mr. Trump’s inauguration will be the victim of this mob effect. With various leaders already emerging and making statements that can considered incitement to commit violence, the threat is real. More on page two.
Kay McLeod since November they have cried and protested unwilling to accept the fact that trump beat her, they didn’t think anyone would beat her especially someone who wasn’t a politician.
Our country is self destructing. The Liberals are like a cancer destroying us from within.
Have a turkey shoot..
Imagine..just imagine…if this had been threatened or done at bamas coranation.
Thank you …be strong smart and protect yourself…we waited 8 years for this
They won’t get close enough.
Bring the dozers n run em over!
If they riot throw them on jail after you shoot them with rubber bullets
So much for the peaceful transition of power. Such a sad little group of whiners.
I wonder who will win. The pussies on the left or the boot knife carrying patriot millitia.