Although most Americans would probably find a sitting First Lady saying the Lord’s Prayer before an event heartening at best and unremarkable at worst, left-wing commentators reacted with absolute hysteria over Melania Trump’s doing just that at a campaign rally in Florida. Mocking everything from her faith to her accent, these liberals exposed themselves for the intolerant vultures that they really are:
“With an hour’s practice I could probably say the Lord’s Prayer better in Slovene than Melania Trump does it in English,” @adrianshort wrote.
FollowAdrian Short @adrianshort
With an hour’s practice I could probably say the Lord’s Prayer better in Slovene than Melania Trump does it in English. …
@NicoleAngeleen tweeted: “I could recite the Our Father backwards, drugged with a gun to my head. If you need to read this prayer, you’re not Christian (re: Melania).”
FollowNicole Angeleen @NicoleAngeleen
I could recite the Our Father backwards, drugged with a gun to my head. If you need to read this prayer, you’re not Christian (re: Melania).
“God Bless her, but listening to Melania do ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ sounds like someone getting cursed to become a ‘Dracula,’@carnojoe wrote.”
With an hour's practice I could probably say the Lord's Prayer better in Slovene than Melania Trump does it in English.
— Adrian Short (@adrianshort) February 19, 2017
I could recite the Our Father backwards, drugged with a gun to my head. If you need to read this prayer, you're not Christian (re: Melania).
— Nicole Angeleen (@NicoleAngeleen) February 19, 2017
God Bless her, but listening to Melania do "The Lord's Prayer" sounds like someone getting cursed to become a "Dracula".
— Joe Carnahan (@carnojoe) February 18, 2017
The way Melania choked through that Our Father tells me she has not spoken aloud for weeks.
— Matt Donnelly (@MattDonnelly) February 18, 2017
Trump is still there, so Melania's prayer didn't work.
— Gerry Duggan (@GerryDuggan) February 18, 2017
Source: Fox News
it takes a libtard an hour to find the front door ,….and another hour on how to operate the door knob
Diversity as long as its what they want. Fu
F**e news
This is why I don’t get into politics…all the hateful people it brings out
They attack any and everything even vaguely connected to the President. Attacking his family is just not classy.
Our father who art in heaven…….Thanks, Melania.
Anyone who mocks The Lord’s Prayer mocks the Lord.
Our First Lady did an absolutely beautiful reading of the prayer.
Cant stand it can they? Its driving them mad knowing our God is returning. Ok to recite the koran though.