Social justice warriors have started a new campaign to educate people on how white supremacy is drinking milk. Think of it like the new “water is life” slogan continually shoved down people’s throats by dehydrated journalists during the whole Sitting Rock controversy.
And it’s quickly gaining traction among millennial snowflakes whose parents presumably deprived these kids the joy of chocolate milk or just raised uninformed children.
If you perform an Internet search on “milk racist” over half a million search results will appear. Of course, any global, liberal organization would censor, punish and attack anyone who published content not in alignment with their globalist elite worldview.
See this new liberal anti-racism campaign for yourself on the next page
What does chocalate milk symbolize ?
S**t symbolizes any fucking racist that constantly evokes race the$#%&!@*on your teeth down to your toes you filthy racist non entity anti American scum
So what if you put cocoa in it
It’s official they have all lost their minds…
Everything is about race to them.what a bunch of CHILDREN. Almost feel like I’m back in grade school with these idiots.
I suggest all you liberals start using water with your cereal, make all deserts with water, and give your babies nothing but water in their bottles, etc. Just stop using milk . You surely would not want to use it or drink it if it symbolizes white people. What c**p!
So do you drink chocolate milk?
Let’s face it libitards are a very special kind of stupid
They are so full of$#%&!@*!!!!