Not even America’s treasured national parks and public lands are safe from the left’s insane obsession with injecting identity politics into everything under the sun.
Taking their complaints straight to the top, a coalition of progressive interest groups have complained to President Obama that he is not doing enough to make such grounds “welcoming” enough to racial and ethnic minorities.
To that end, the group demands that Obama direct the National Park Service and other agencies to change the demographic makeup of their staff and personnel to reflect the diverse nature of the country as well as “actively engage all people.” What the former will accomplish what the latter would even entail is unknown.
But at any rate, the coalition says that this course of action is warranted because increasing numbers of Americans are members of minority communities. This may be true, but it’s difficult to see what exactly it has to do with who’s keeping an eye on Yellowstone.
Watch video of liberal activists saying park ranger uniforms are “threatening” to Latinos on the next page:
This is just more liberal rhetoric to try and cause racial divide through the American Media. All these liberal media sites really need to quit spreading this BS because all you’re trying to do is cause hate and divide the way the Liberal Party want you to. America is getting sick and tired of everybody creating racial divide
Oh my goodness!!! Get over it!!!!
Stfu illegal supporting sjws
P**s on all you liberal maggots, you’re like a bunch of frigging roaches!!! Go hang yourselves and be done with it!!!!
Give a$#%&!@*if your threatend or not.Ship your gadamnn$#%&!@*outta here.You can go be threatened somewhere else.
Illegals should be wary of uniforms , the need to be sent back home and return legal !
Let’s put them all in mariachi band outfits, that way we can have festive greetings for all illegal immigrants coming across our boarder, make every day cinco de mayo. No let’s not change, acclimate to our culture or else get a one way ticket back to Mexican Paradise, adios!!!!
Direct and to the point, your going to be history Paul Ryan, you showed the Majority of the Republican voters just what you think of us and our views, it’s time for you to step down and please don’t take the gavel with you!!!!!
Trump in 2016!!!!
So what I think they should dress tactical . With full arms and armor. Then allowed to do their jobs .