Accused of discrimination, Christian print shop owner Blaine Adamson has been ordered to undergo “diversity training” after refusing to make t-shirts expressing support for gay rights. Surprisingly, business owned by members of the LGBT community have rushed to his defense.
Turn to the next page to see why LGBT businesses are supporting him:
someone that prince of saudi what did they say he is spending 30 billion dollars to get the islam around the world
there will be more law suits watch
to each their own …in the bedroom…but getting real tired of seeing this shoved down everyones throat..
Correction Norman Evans saudis spent millions yes but not promoting islam its all propoganda fooling da world with their hidden agendas control of mankind
The person wanting to practice their religion has the greater right.
barack hussein obama against America. and her freedom
Lexie Madden replied to your comment on Franklin Graham’s link.
Lexie Madden
October 31 at 11:42pm
I live in Hawaii. O’Bama was named Barry Sotero when he went to high school here. His reputation and behavior was a gay black high sch kid that regularly skipped school and would do ANYTHING for cocaine. He preyed on wealthy older white men. You should get in a chat with some of Barrys former classmates! I hate thay he plans to move here. Hawaii doesn’t want him. They were gonna rename Sandy Beach to “Barach Obama Beach” but they received so much negative public response yhdy had to scratch that ide!
Diversity training for…….. what exactly?!?!!!
Oh, isn’t that PERversity training?
That’s just great! If they don’t think like a liberal they send this poor man to a ” be more liberal class ” how normal for Libtard thinking “”