Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin recently took to the air and charged Obama and Holder with demonizing police in the eyes of the public in order to break down local departments in an ultimate agenda to nationalize them.
“[W]hat’s going on there?” Levin stated. “It’s a war on the cops. They want to nationalize local police departments. Nationalize them to ruin them. To control them.”
“All of a sudden every cop is supposed to wear a video camera. Why? Because they can’t trust be trusted don’t you know?” Levin stated.
The action of the Obama admin to put cameras on cops will cast them in a negative light, but just the mere act of the federal government stepping in imposing cameras on local law enforcement is a power grab.
this needs to stop but who will stand for us Americans
I do believe this is his goal. When a police officer is shot in New York City, that is a matter for the governor of New York and the mayor of New York City, not the federal government. He keeps inserting himself and his administration into local issues where he has no business. It is already to the point where local municipalities expect federal involvement. So he’s well on his way to achieving his goal.
He is comming after us! War on white America!
This is is why we have to give up our guns!
If Levin is correct, this strategy has failed miserably, because it has sent tens of millions of people to rally behind their police departments and against the Obama-instigated gangstas, rioters and looters.
I believe
Hey this is?
Oh wait , am I in the wrong line , who do we hate ?
Is this the Democrats hate line , or the Republican hate line ? …oh , I guess it doesn’t matter you all just hate each other …sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt .you can go back to hating now .
Why isnt anyone stoping this man????
all the stupid actions this man takes do have a reason and goal, we should be very very alert and pray the next two years go fast without too much more damage to America.
Isn’t it about time we impeach this Muslim and charge him with treason
hes creating Russia West , be secret police soon