Last Wednesday, a small EPA work crew, claiming to inspect the “Gold King” mine, which sits on the Navajo Nation, “accidentally” knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River, which eventually feeds into the Colorado River. The EPA, attempting to limit their liability, has been visiting individual Navajo homes, encouraging them to sign away their potential rights, many they have approached do not have English as their primary language.
Listen to Mark Levin explain the full situation in short the clip on the next page:
The Mercury levels are way too high in that water.
Typical government s$#%&!@*bags
Is this the American way
Figures but the American Indians don’t believe this Admin at all
Most natives I know get pissed when you trash the earth, I don’t think they will be to happy about this.
Not my tribe but another gov treaty sure you can trust the gov just ask an Indian
Government at work.. Zero consequences.. Wonder would it be different if BP did it
epa paying a fine is actually us paying a fine.
Do you think the EPA will ever have to answer for this? HELL NO! That good ole double standard. Do as I say not as I do.
the e.p.a. needs to be investigated!!!!