Last Wednesday, a small EPA work crew, claiming to inspect the “Gold King” mine, which sits on the Navajo Nation, “accidentally” knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River, which eventually feeds into the Colorado River. The EPA, attempting to limit their liability, has been visiting individual Navajo homes, encouraging them to sign away their potential rights, many they have approached do not have English as their primary language.
Listen to Mark Levin explain the full situation in short the clip on the next page:
This was NOT AN ACCIDENT ! The EPA is not trustworthy.
Stay strong and say no to EPA. They’ll have to clean the mess up.
I pray the Navajos go on the war path against the EPA.
Time for the indians to rise from their slumber .
That’s our lefty EPA.
Another government orchestrated accident.
I want them out there cleaning it up have they even plug the leak yet I’ll bet they haven’t I’ll bet it still leaking probably flowing
Hey what if we get the children out there to go swimming do you think they might think twice about it then
They did this on purpose
Only lib and EPA children allowefef tp deim